OF GOOD WATER! Reduce wrinkles and MORE….
Comments & Lecture Notes by Dr. Mona Harrison, MD Director
International Water Council
*Cancer tumors cannot live in alkaline water. All cancer
patients should be using alkaline water. You and I should be drinking alkalized water so our bodies won't provide an environment
for cancer tumors to live.
*Alkaline water is fantastic for insomnia and colic.
*The brain is 90% water and
when it can't maintain that percentage it will pull water from all other body parts.
*Salt, caffeine, nicotine, valium,
alcohol and sugar put your body out of balance. If we don't keep our blood pH at 7.3 or above, death will occur. In fact,
death will occur if the blood pH goes below 7.
*The hydrogen ion is positively charged . An Ionizer changes the hydrogen
ion into a negative charge. The liver loves negative hydrogen ions. That is why kidney and liver problems can be helped with
alkaline ionized water.
*Urine that has a strong odor indicates an unhealthy body. If the body is balanced there is
no ammonia and protein in the urine.
*An over acid body causes kidney stones and gall stones.
*Cysts are the
beginning of tumors, leading to cancer because minerals are deficient from that part of the body. Cancer is a long period
of mineral deficiency caused by an over acid condition of the body.
*The kidney, heart, lungs, brain, intestines,
mucous and skin are electrolytic membranes and need electrolysed water.
*Ionized water is great for Attention Deficit
Disorder as this condition is caused by too much rhodium and iridium in the brain. Ionized water calms these types of children.
*Alkaline ionized water allows a greater penetration than any other water and therefore reduces wrinkles because
the skin is getting the water in needs.
*When alkaline ionized water was used with Alzheimer's patients, their senility
problem subsided simply by drinking a gallon a day.
*Alkaline ionized water is the frequency of the pineal gland and
thus affects all other glands below the pineal gland. That is why the water can lower blood pressure and blood sugar, shrink
an enlarged prostrate, stimulate sex drive, improve vision, improve MS and Parkinson's Disease, just to name a few.
Osmosis water units remove too many minerals from the water that our body needs. It is also too acid to help the already over
acidic condition in the body.
*Distilled water is a neutral, dead water at best, and has no minerals or charge.
ionized water electrolysis converts the inorganic minerals present in the water to organic minerals, just like plant juice.
*Alkaline ionized water ties up free radicals from attacking healthy cells.
*Viruses can't stand the frequency
of ionized water.
*Ionized water wipes out candida yeast and is effective against the E-boli virus found in water.
*We are aging too fast because we are acidic and dehydrated!
*Alkaline ionized water is the most powerful
liquid antioxidant that can rebuild the immune system and is revolutionizing the health industry.
*Most of our health
problems today are caused by an over-acid condition of the body.
Endorsement from Dr. Theodore A. Baroody on Ionised Water
is definitely a health benefit to anyone who would use it. I predict that the use of electronically restructured alkaline
[ionized] water will change healthcare on a world-wide basis. Through a very detailed system of testing and analysis covering
170 areas, called Bio kinetics, I have seen the following areas strengthened and stabilized on my clients by restructured
[ionized] water: Urethra, Kidney Gravel ,Lymph Vessels ,Alkaline/Acid Imbalances ,Kidney ,Colon, Stomach ,Pancreas!"
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