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Family Doctor ll - Testimonials
Family Doctor ll Low Frequency Therapeutic Massager
Chi Flow Swing Machine
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"My quality of life has changed for the better since my husband purchased the Family Doctor 2 - for ME! What a wonderful device...I take it to work (high speed internet chat support)...lots of keyboarding...any person doing lots of keyboarding can benefit from this device! I can activate it at work when work gets tense and my neck, shoulder, arm muscles get tight. Those annoying, under the shoulder blade muscles, those spots you can't seem to get to...I use the Family Doctor 2 to get rid of those knots in about 12 minutes! Pain relief is truly achieved .This device gets the blood flowing and circulation going and is your at home and at work personal masseuse, acupuncturist, muscle relaxer. I love my husband for thinking of me, and I wouldn't want to be without my Family Doctor 2!"  Catherine - Ontario, Canada

"I use my Family Doctor II every day. It helps reduce pain in my muscles and tendons and increases mobility and circulation in my hands and feet. It also alleviates the muscle pain in my neck. I have shown the Family Doctor II to some friends who have arthritis and back pain and they have all been very happy with the results from their new Family Doctor II. Although it is not a cure for pain, it certainly helps to relax the muscles and make you pain free for longer periods of time. In some cases, people have said they have been pain free for weeks."  Adeline Fedyk - Sundre, Alberta

"I have found the therapeutic massager to work very effectively. I have suffered a back injury due to a motor vehicle accident. The doctors and physiotherapists say they cannot do anything more for me therefore I have been on various pain-killers for the past 9 years. My friend had told me about the Family Doctor II Therapeutic Massager she had, so, with nothing to lose I tried her massager. I have used it a number of times and found after one treatment I could be pain-free to two days. My personal experience with the massager is that you need to rest after a treatment to receive the best results. Having experiences being pain-free I decided to buy my own massager."  Helen - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

"I love my Family Doctor 2….My name is Tony Strong from Minneapolis, and I want to tell you how much I love my Family Doctor low frequency personal massager device. When I first saw the Family Doctor II, I was skeptical. But now that I have one for a ridiculously low price, I can't believe how good I feel. I used to have to make an appointment with my Chiropractor, take 1 hour out of my day, drive for 20 minutes each way, and pay upwards of $75 at my Chiropractors office, to get the cool messaging feeling of the electronic muscle stimulation used to repair sore, stiff and out of balance muscles

Now I use the electronic stimulation of Family Doctor 2 right in my home or office. What a relief to ease stiff or achy muscles from the comfort of my own home! I wear it for at least a half hour a day, and I get a full stomach or lower back workout while sitting in my office chair. It feels like I've done 150 sit-ups, only I am sitting down, or walking around. I talk to clients and close deals all while wearing the comfortable long lasting stimulator pads. What a joy! My stomach has never felt firmer, and it’s helping me to eat less at meal times, and my lower back has been bothering me for about 2 years now; I can get up and walk without ANY PAIN! My doctor told me it was all muscle related, and now I can give my lower back a stimulation workout right from home. (Not to mention saving me a ton of money in co-pays and gas for a doctor visit.) I love my personal massager, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants a little muscle relief without having to go to the doctor. I do not work for or receive ANY compensation for this testimonial. I get only the joy from helping share the good news with someone who needs help."
Tony W. Strong, Eniva USA - 612-867-4584

"The first time I used this I could not believe what it did to relieve stress. Additionally, I sit at a computer 12 hours a day and anyone in that position knows your neck and shoulders get tense and tight. This is incredible at reducing that tightness and can be worn under your shirt so you can have a massage anytime you like during the day. This item can help with circulations problems from sitting to long, to aching muscles, to overall health and wellness improvements from reduced stress. You will not believe the power 3 “AAA” batteries will have. It is worth every penny and we are going to have to get another because my husband keeps stealing mine."  Lori Finke - Hinckley, Minnesota


"After about 1/2 a day as an exhibitor at the Farm Progress Show in Regina this June one of your representatives noticed I was outside stretching. I was doing this so I could continue at my position in our display booth. I was given one of your devices to try and within the first half hour my pain had eased to the point that while sitting I could touch my nose to my knee which I can usually not do. I now have a new best friend and companion which allow me to maintain myself in a normal function without pain for 1-2 days, Thank You."  Bryan Buhse


"I have been using your battery operated massager. I have been troubled with frequent back pains that would lay me up for several days. After using your unit for 30 minutes I am as good as new. I also bought one for my mother and she says it works great on her achy joints. I normally don't e-mail companies when I am happy with their product; however I feel compelled to let you know that this unit really does work. Thanks again"
Richard Carlson - Oakdale,Mn

"I have used Chiropractic services for over 45 years; my father was a Chiropractor. Over the last couple of decades I have noticed more and more Chiropractor's are using other means of treatment that include electronic devices. It is very natural and normal to visit a Chiropractor's office and she will use these devices and some have earned training in the field of acupuncture. I was introduced to the concept of the FAMILY DOCTOR II. At first I was leary; the notion however is consistent with the electronic devices I had used on me by Chiropractors. I find it extremely affordable, it is not evasive and I am pleasantly surprised with the outcome. I have used it on my lower back as Chiropractor's have for years and years and the results seem similar. And I can use it in the comfort and security of my home at anytime.

The conceptual framework of having access to this unit at home is extremely therapeutic. I can read, listen to music or watch TV and use the FAMILY DOCTOR II. Absolutely wonderful. The ideology of this unit might cause some skepticism, but from my experiences with it, it is totally within the realm of perfection. I trust anyone who uses it will not be disappointed."  Brian McCusker - Thompson, Manitoba, Canada

“This is an amazing little device! It has operated as a stand-alone tool in my busy clinic, helping many patients as well as being a great help to me personally! I would not hesitate to recommend this device to anyone who is interested in achieving and maintaining good health! It is the best health return for the dollar that I've seen on the market yet!”  Paul Henderson, B.Sc., D.Ac.  (Practitioner of Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine)

"I have been suffering with lower back problems for the last 5 years. I frequented a chiropractor at least twice a month and even bought an inversion table. These all helped a little. I purchased the Family Doctor II and after only a couple of treatments my back feels better than it has in years. Great Product."  Ron D'Aoust
I puchased the Family Doctor II at a trade show in Calgary and have been using it ever since.  I use it regularly to relieve pain anywhere it happens on my body, and actually has reduced the number of vists to chiropractors, massage therapists, and acupuncturists.  I also suffer from migraines and was very skeptical that it would relieve them.  To my surprise it actually relieved the migraine in a matter of minutes, versus a dark room and hours.  It has been the best investment that I have ever made.  I would recommend the Family Doctor II to anyone who suffers from migraines and also for the relief of all kinds of pain.
Calgary, Alberta

Recently,  I was at my daughter's home and complained of aching in my shoulders and back after travelling all day to get there. I suffer from fibro myragia and have had very little success in managing the pain. My daughter brought out the familydoctor for me to try and I was totally amazed to find something like this would actually help when medications didn't.  It totally sold me, I came home and ordered one immediately and was lucky enough to find someone in my own town that sold them.   Thank you I am so grateful for some relief. 
Diane Stephens
3045 Cliffs Road
Duncan, B.C.
 Hello--Just wanted to tell you that we bought one of your family doctor 2, as I had a really sore neck. I couldn't even turn my head, it was so painful, and it hurt all the time. Well, I was really surprised to find that after using it for one week, I could see a real difference.
Now the pain is completely gone and I only use it now if my neck starts to hurt. I had been to a therapist, a massage therapist, and a chiropracter, and got no relief at all.
Just wanted to thank you, as Frank bought it at the trade show in Cranbrook, BC. and you are never sure if they will work. Well it did!
June Siak.
Ps: Frank Landsburg bought it for me, and I really appreciate it.

I am now a regular user and believer of this product. Chronic back pain has been  brought under control and I have not renewed my prescriptions for pain killers. This therapeutic massager really works!  It is easy to use and portable for those of us  who are always on the go.
Ray Lukat
Victoria BC

I received my Familydoctor2 from my daughter and son-in-law for Mother's Day, this year.  What a wonderful gift.  (I was borrowing theirs, so guess they thought I needed my own.)  I had rotator cuff shoulder surgery done on both my shoulders the past several years, and the therapist was using a little machine to help me recover after both surgeries.  At the time I was wishing I could buy one, but did not know such things were actually available.  It does make me feel better, esp. after I have done more exercise than I should. It is most helpful for my lower back me as well.  Thanks to you for having this wee machine available and a big thank you to my thoughtful son-in-law and daughter for buying me one. My best Mother's Day gift yet.
Evelyn Burgess
83 Hunt Cres. Ne
Medicine Hat, AB

The Family Doctor II has been a great investment for our family.  We bought two units, one for my daughter who is a collegiate golfer, and one for myself as a golfer who plays daily.  It works great to warm up that sore shoulder or those tight back muscles before a round.  It also works well after the round and during the day until muscle soreness goes away.  We both regularly saw a chiropractor for the same type of treatment. This is much more convenient and economical. Thanks, your product is superb.
Gary and Kim Huber
4391 Evergreen Drive
Vadnais Heights,MN 55127

 I purchased the Family Doctor II at a trade fair recently.  Having been diagnosed with West Nile Virus, two years ago, I still suffer fibromyalgia like pain in my shoulders, neck , back, knees, hands and feet.  Getting out of bed in the morning is sometimes difficult at best.  I used the family doctor on my shoulders and lower back the first night and thought I noticed a difference the next morning.  Not trusting my initial reaction, I used it again the next evening and the following morning definitely noticed a difference.  My shoulders, neck and lower back were less painful and moved more freely.  I have used  the machine every evening for about a week now, while I lay in bed watching the news and definitely notice a big difference in the level of pain and stiffness in my neck, shoulders and back.  I'm going to try the foot slippers and the ear pieces tonight as I'm so impressed with the Family Doctor so far.  I have recommended it to numerous family members and friends.  Thanks,
Kelly Johnson

 The Family Doctor II is an essential household item.  I recommend them to everyone who complains of any time of aches or pains.  I am chatting it up with a friend right now online.  I use my FDII on my shoulders during long drives, and even use while walking around at work as it is so portable and just slips into my pocket.  The best it has worked for me was just this past weekend.  I twisted my knee and it was so swollen I could not lift my foot off the floor.  I used the FDII over and over again, on all different parts of my knee and leg, and by the end of the day it was feeling a whole lot better.  It is now feeling so much better I will be walking in Relay for Life this weekend (where I will bring my Family Doctor II, and probably share it!!).   
Judy Pearce
PO Box 206
Thompson MB  R8N 1N1

For nearly 10 years I've been seeing chiropractors and massager's to correct a shoulder problem. So far I've found nobody who has been able to help me. I've grown used to living with a constant pain in my shoulder and arm. I received a Family Doctor from my sister for Christmas and what a relief I had that first day after I used it! No pain for one whole day!  Even though Family Doctor isn't a cure it sure relieves the pain. I now use it every day and would recommend it to any one with muscle pain.Now I can have a massage whenever I need it and it's right at my fingertips! Because of it's compact size,  I find it very convenient for using while working or traveling. Thanks for a great product! Now I  start each day with less pain and more hope.
Beckie Gross Box 250 Elm creek Mb ROG-ONO   Canada.

Dear Brad,

Thanks so much for this great product! My husband suffered a serious back injury last winter as a result of a ski accident. We applied the Family Doctor to his back for a few hours a day, a half hour at a time, and within a week he was back working his job in construction. The doctors at the hospital had told him to be prepared to take two months off to heal! Now whenever one of us has a twinge of any type of pain we use the Family Doctor and never have to visit the "other" family doctor!
Robin Harper

I have been using the Family Doctor II for about a year;  I don't know what I would do without it! I have had a sore back from falling down the stairs, lifting heavy boxes in a move and have received incredible relief every time I love it and will never be without out it.  Thank You! Claudia Stack 1069 Sterling Street South Maplewood, Minnesota  55119

 Good Morning
Its been about 3 weeks since I received my Family Doctor 2.  I have been going to the gym to work out and when I come home I can barely move.  My Family Doctor 2 has become my best friend.  I use it on my sore muscles and it feels soooo good.  I would recommend this product to anyone.  Just knowing the I can use it anytime I want and I don't have to make an appointment and wait to get a massage is a great comfort.  And, The fact that I don't have to rely on anyone to give me a massage is so awesome.  I pack this back and forth from office to home.  I am telling everyone I know what a great product this is!!
C Baker
Whitecourt, Alberta


The Family Doctor II is a new product for us. We are currently accepting testimonials to add to this page. If you have a testimonial that you would like to share with us, please email it to us at familydoctor@mts.net.

Please include your name and mailing address so we can send you a thank you gift.
Note: Your initials will be included with the testimonial on our web site.



Ion Health 
PO Box 362 * Landmark, MB * Canada * R0A 0X0
Toll Free: 1-877-999-4667

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Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only!  By no means is any information presented herein intended to substitute for the advice provided to you by your own physician or health care provider.  You should not use any information contained in our site to self-diagnose or personally treat any medical condition or disease or prescribe any medication.  If you have or suspect you have a medical condition you are urged to contact your personal health care provider immediately.  All health supplements or products purchased in this site contain clearly labeled product packaging, which must be read to ensure proper use.  All information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.